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What do if your Roof is Leaking!

January 16, 2024
Leaking Ceiling

If your roof is leaking, it's crucial to take immediate action to minimize damage to your home. Here are steps to follow:

1. **Contain the Water:**

- Place buckets or containers under the leak to catch dripping water.

- Use towels, rags, or a mop to soak up excess water on the floor.

2. **Protect Belongings:**

- Move furniture, electronics, and valuables away from the leaking area to prevent further damage.

- Cover items with plastic sheets or tarps if possible.

3. **Identify the Source:**

- Try to identify the source of the leak. It might be a damaged or missing shingle, a flashing issue, or a problem with the roof's structure.

- If it's safe to do so, inspect the attic or crawl space for the origin of the leak.

4. **Call Us ASAP:**

- Contact us at T6 Homes as soon as possible to assess and repair the damage.

- Explain the situation and provide details about the location and extent of the leak.

6. **Document the Damage:**

- Take photos or videos of the leak and any resulting damage. This documentation may be useful for insurance claims.

7. **Contact Your Insurance Company:**

- If you have homeowner's insurance, contact your insurance company to report the damage and seek guidance on the claims process.

8. **Avoid DIY Repairs:**

- While you might be tempted to fix the issue yourself, it's often safer and more effective to rely on professional roofers. Climbing on a roof can be dangerous, especially during adverse weather conditions.

Remember, addressing a roof leak promptly is crucial to preventing further damage to your home. Always prioritize safety and seek professional assistance when needed.